Our Process
Phase 1: Discovery
We will spend 4 - 6 weeks with you and your team to ensure we have a full understanding of your business model, your company goals, and the largest challenges facing your organization
Phase 2: Gap Analysis
In phase 2 we spend time challenging the assumptions the organization holds regarding its challenges in order to identify root causes and adequately highlight resource limitations in the current organization. These limitations may be related to people, procedures, or processes.
Phase 3: Plan Development & Alignment
Significant time is spent putting together a plan of action that is sufficient in addressing the core issues facing the organization. This effort will result in a Gantt chart/time line that will outline full scope, schedule, and budget for the proposed endeavor. Throughout this phase all key stakeholders are regularly consulted to confirm common understanding and buy in.
Phase 4: Plan Execution
In phase 4 the rubber meets the road with hands on execution of the plan. Purian resources will be fully engaged throughout the length of the project and will work side by side with company leadership to ensure that every aspect of the plan is executed fully. We never leave the plan for you to execute…We execute the plan on your behalf and with your full involvement and support!